Recycled gold
At Generation Bold, all jewellery is made from recycled gold, but why?
Humans have been fascinated by the metal gold for centuries. The ancient Egyptians believed that gold was the tears of the sun god Ra. They used the metal for jewellery, statues and even for the decoration of their pharaohs. For them it was a symbol of immortality and divinity. Today gold is used for jewellery, electronics, medical equipment and much more. But unfortunately, the gold industry also has a huge impact on the environment.
Gold mining moves large amounts of soil, leading to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. In addition, a lot of water is used in gold mining, which can lead to water shortages and water pollution. In addition, when gold is extracted, toxic chemicals are often used, which can be harmful to people and the environment.
An environmentally friendly alternative to new gold is recycled gold. By recycling gold, no new gold has to be mined, which reduces the impact on the environment. In this way, the beauty and value of gold can be preserved without harming our planet and its inhabitants.